STEM Education in Action

Friday 25 October, 2019

Stem 3 25-10-19

On Thursday 17 October, Year 2 journeyed to Bobbin Head for an excursion to celebrate the beginning of our Science unit this term, ‘Moving Toys’. And wow, did things move! Ranger Tom and Tom Ranger from Ranger Jamie Tours facilitated some wonderful activities, including making our own air pressure rockets! We learnt how air pressure builds up and when released can send a paper rocket high into the sky.

Our girls also took part in a Push and Pull Olympics where they raced as teams to find the answers to some tricky questions about forces and energy. Then, the girls constructed battery powered windmills and like the scientists they are, modified their designs and tried again if they didn’t work on the first try. Soon the girls had them whizzing!

Is it easier to push or pull someone on a billy cart? Year 2 absolutely loved the billy carts! They tried pushing and pulling each other and had a great time racing. The girls figured out that perhaps it is easier to pull, especially if there is a teacher sitting on the cart. It was a fantastic excursion in a beautiful location. Year 2 is looking forward to putting our learning into action and building on our experiences.