Shoes for Planet Earth

Tuesday 16 June, 2020

artshoes for panet earthService Learning is an important part of the education of our girls at Pymble. One of our Upper School students, Cia Fotias writes: “Earlier this year, I became a collector for Shoes for Planet Earth. Shoes for Planet Earth is a charity that gives old sports shoes to homeless shelters, orphanages, schools and other disadvantaged groups and individuals across the globe.

During the holidays, whilst in quarantine, I continued to collect shoes from friends and family members on behalf of Shoes for Planet Earth. Altogether, I managed to collect 95 pairs of shoes which I sent to the Jilkminggan School in the Northern Territory.

Through this donation, I was able to provide every student in the school a pair of new shoes, just in time for the cold weather!

If you or anyone that you know has old sports shoes lying around the house that are no longer being used, could I please ask that you deliver them to the Upper School Office so I can donate them to another group in need.”