Robotics returns to new student-designed workspace

Monday 1 June, 2020


After nearly two months of online learning, Pymble Robotics students returned on Monday 25 May for a face-to-face session, albeit a shortened session.

Our Robotics girls had their first exciting experience in their new Robotics space, which is in its first iteration. The space is currently being designed to the students’ requirements after months of their input to ensure they have the flexibility to be their most innovative and ingenious selves in their own home here at the College.

Their new space will have professional grade work benches and trollies per team, a coding area, a full space for robot testing and an area for them to relax and take their mind off the stresses on being a problem solver in a highly technical field.

During the recent online learning period, the girls focused on a mixture of coding, strategy and team building using online simulators.