Pymble Ladies’ College rolls out full-scale online learning

Wednesday 18 March, 2020

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Pymble Ladies’ College Principal Dr Kate Hadwen and Chair of College Council Mr James Hunter encouraged Pymble parents to allow their daughters to stay at home from Thursday 19 March to continue their learning remotely, via online platforms.

The College has not closed. The College has not had a confirmed case of COVID-19.

Students who cannot work from home are able to attend school where they will also use online platforms to continue their learning, supervised by staff.

The College has been using online learning platforms for the past two years and is confident in shifting temporarily to a fully online learning environment across Kindergarten to Year 12.

Staff will be onsite to support students and teachers using the online platforms.

Moving fully to online learning platforms while our campus remains open will give students and teachers access to the best possible mix of online tools and onsite support services to allow students’ learning to continue uninterrupted.

Pymble Ladies’ College Principal, Dr Kate Hadwen, said the College consulted extensively with Government, the Ministers of Health and Education, and the Chief Medical Officer in NSW before making this decision.

“This is not a school closure, rather a transition to online learning, which is welcomed by Government at this time as an excellent solution while the country works together to slow the spread of COVID-19.

“The discipline we will have around online learning is exactly the same as in our physical classrooms, and it will also help to prevent students increasing contagion in our communities.

“And, in line with our Prime Minister’s wishes to ensure our healthcare workers are not taken away from the frontline, our Pymble campus remains open and staff are available to support all families, including those who are making a crucial difference in hospitals and medical centres,” Dr Hadwen said.

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