Pymble kids become teachers for a day

Thursday 15 September, 2016

Year 8 Pymble students took over as “teachers” at our fifth annual Kids Teaching Kids conference, an Australia-wide program co-founded by Environmentalist of the Year, Arron Wood. More than 200 Year 5 and 6 students from Pymble and neighbouring schools attended the sustainability-themed day which launched with an assembly in the Gillian Moore Centre for Performing Arts led by Year 8 Middle School Leaders.

After several presentations, including a speech from Mr Wood, students then split into groups to attend workshops conducted by our Year 8 “teachers”. The 45 workshops covered a range of environmental issues including sustainable air travel, food waste, endangered species, the Great Barrier Reef, deforestation and alternative energy.

KTK is based on the premise that peer-led education is an effective way to encourage students to take responsibility for their own learning and actions. Appointed “teachers” are supported by their actual teachers in the terms preceding the conference to research environmental issues or concepts for each workshop and to identify take home messages for attendees.

The KTK program is now embedded in our Year 8 curriculum. More than 110,000 Australian children have participated in the program since its launch in 1999.

Speaking at the launch of KTK 2016, Principal Vicki Waters reiterated Pymble’s commitment to aiming for Green Star status in infrastructure and daily practice. She also urged students to share their learnings from KTK day.

“Be inspired by your workshops and don’t just go back to school and forget them.

“Take what you learn today and become an advocate and a leader for a sustainable future for humankind,” Mrs Waters said.