Pymble Ladies’ College Families Show Human Touch Comes in All Forms

Monday 20 April, 2020

Pymble Gives Back

Care, integrity and responsibility are three of the values Pymble girls demonstrate in all they do and a commitment to others is part and parcel of these.

In that spirit, while the community self-isolates during the COVID-19 pandemic, Pymble Ladies’ College launched the Pymble Gives Back program to engage students, staff, alumni and parents in a range of activities to help the vulnerable in our community.

Activities in the program include sending videos and letters to residents in aged care facilities, sewing fabric hearts to comfort newborn babies in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Westmead Hospital, knitting squares to turn into blankets for the Wrap with Love charity, becoming an online reading buddy to support younger students practising their reading and volunteering for doorstop deliveries and wheelie bin duty for the disabled and elderly.

The aim of Pymble Gives Back is to keep the community feeling connected during a time when people have never felt more apart, according to Pymble Ladies’ College Principal, Dr Kate Hadwen.

“Our community service programs are essential components of our girls’ learning during the best of times and even more important when times are tough.

Director of Development for Women’s Community Shelters, Sallianne McClelland has been overwhelmed by deliveries of meals, treats and groceries, thanks to Pymble Ladies’ College students, staff, parents and alumni who have turned self-isolation and social distancing into an opportunity to help women seeking shelter from domestic abuse.

‘Cook up Some Comfort’ is one of eight community service activities Pymble family members have been invited to engage in during the school holidays, as part of the Pymble Gives Back program. It calls for home cooks and bakers to make and deliver treats and meals to be distributed among the network of Women’s Community Shelters, ahead of an expected influx of women and children in the coming weeks and months.