Pymble girls learn social media for business

Friday 22 September, 2017


Pymble’s commitment to ensuring students have real-world skills for their future beyond the school gates has led to an online world of opportunity for our Year 10 girls. Thanks to an ongoing partnership with Women’s International Cricket League (WICL), four of our forward-thinking Year 10 students now have a role on the social media team for FairBreak, the WICL program that aims to create pathways for women to have better access to opportunities, education and high-level performance roles.

The students will undertake training by FairBreak’s professional social media consultant in a series of face-to-face, virtual and online learning sessions to equip them to take on responsibility for creating branded content that builds and engages the FairBreak community. They will learn how social media for business differs from personal use, how to create effective marketing content for Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram, and gain an understanding of analytics and reporting.

One of FairBreak’s first initiatives is working with the SolarBuddy organisation to install solar lights in off-the-grid communities in Africa, India and Papua New Guinea where women and children are dying from the effects or the malfunction of kerosene lamps.

“The work our students are doing with FairBreak really can change the lives of women and children around the world,” says Head of Upper School, Mrs Melissa Boyd.

“Being involved in such an important global initiative and learning how to use the communication channels they love in a real-life business application is an invaluable and empowering experience for our girls.”

The Pymble Ladies’ College and WICL partnership has been in place since 2014.

Watch our video about the Pymble/Fairbreak partnership.

Read more about FairBreak.