More than 400 attend Economics Conference at Pymble

Thursday 30 May, 2019


Students and teachers from 30 different schools studying Preliminary Economics and HSC Economics courses were invited to Pymble’s Economics Students’ Conference to hear from three of Australia’s leading economists. More than 400 people accepted the invitation, including attendees Abbotsleigh, Barker College, Cheltenham Girls’ High School, Killara High School, SCEGGS Darlinghurst, St Euphemia College, St Ives High School, St Leo’s Catholic College and Willoughby Girls High School.

“One of the main aims is to encourage deep thinking and gain an appreciation of the dynamics of modern economies, the need for critical thinking and problem solving,” said Ms Ann Wright, Co-ordinator of Economics at Pymble.

“Many of these ‘soft skills’ drive innovation and development, providing future opportunities for today’s students,” she said.

Ms Rochelle Guttmann, Senior Economist at the Reserve Bank of Australia, presented on ‘Current conditions in the Australian economy’. As co-author of the Reserve Bank’s recent report, Does it pay to study economics?, she has important messages for students’ future.

Ms Jo Masters is the Chief Economist for Ernst & Young Oceania, and presented on ‘Risks to Australia’s economic outlook’. Ms Masters is known for her keen interest in female financial literacy and promoting economics to young women and is on the Advisory Committee of the Financy Women’s Index, which measures the economic progress of Australian women.

Ms Rianna McIntosh, who is a senior Financial Services Consultant for Ernst & Young, delivered a presentation titled ‘The Future of Work’. For more than a decade Ms McIntosh has led large-scale product and technology projects and campaigns for financial services organisations in Australia and has a deep understanding of the technology-driven workplace these students will face in coming years.

“The number of students studying Economics in recent years has been falling,” said Ms Wright, adding that the Reserve Bank has written extensively about the shrinking pool of economists in recent years. Ms Wright said that Pymble hopes to raise the profile of Economics and show the diverse career opportunities it provides.

“Our three visiting economists are all inspiring women who have built important careers in the field of economics and we are grateful that they are so willing to contribute to our students’ future,” Pymble Principal Mrs Waters said.