Meet Archie the Pymble Puppy

Friday 4 September, 2020

Meet Archie, the newest member of our Pymble family. Archie is an Australian Cobberdog who has arrived from Queensland (yes, he was given permission to fly across the border!).

Archie is a gentle soul and so much more than a pretty face. He is a working dog who will be trained to spend time with girls from Kindergarten to Year 12.

Since Archie arrived on Tuesday 1 September, he has been introduced gradually to the different year groups and schools – and when we haven’t made these introductions fast enough, some of the girls have taken the initiative to come and meet him in their own time. The main reception building has never had so many visitors!

Without fail, the response from all the girls has been pure and utter joy; you see it written all over their faces. Our girls are feeling the pure joy and unconditional love that a puppy brings.