Market Day at Pymble

Friday 8 August, 2014

On Wednesday 30 July, Pymble’s annual Commerce Market Day was held in the Main Hall. The event was a culmination of work by our Year 9 Commerce students which commenced in Term 2. Working together, students simulated business groups as they created, planned and ran their own store for the day. Together, they worked through elements of market research, financial projections, operations planning and business management in order to make their idea a reality.

When the time came for the doors to open, each group were eagerly anticipating their first sale, each with the hope that they would sell all of the products that they had worked so hard to create. The response from the other staff and students was overwhelming with the customers almost as eager to do business as the stores themselves. It was a tremendous success for all stores involved with everyone turning a profit as a sound reward for their outstanding efforts.

The Commerce Department would like to congratulate all of the students on their outstanding effort, attitude and results on the day. They were truly excellent. We would also like to thank all of the fantastic students, teachers and staff who helped to make the day a success. Without the support of the customers and the help of the fantastic facilities team we could not hope to achieve the outstanding results for the event that we did.

This post was guest written by Mr Ryan Besgrove, Commerce Teacher at Pymble Ladies’ College.  
