Kids love ‘Kids Teaching Kids’ at Pymble

Thursday 13 September, 2018

Our seventh annual Kids Teaching Kids (KTK) Conference at Pymble was a memorable learning experience for our young “teachers” and their “delegates”.

The conference was part of national Kids Teaching Kids Week, a learning model through which Year 8 students are challenged to extensively research an environmental issue as part of their work in the Science, Earth, Environment and Design Solutions (SEEDS) unit. The Year 8 “teachers” then present their design solutions in a range of interactive formats to Year 6 students who attend the KTK Conference day.

In 2018, Year 8 Pymble girls delivered 70-plus SEEDS workshops to approximately 260 Year 6 students from Pymble and other local schools. Student reflections attest to the success of the day.


Reflections from Year 8 KTK “teachers”

“The thing that distinguishes the SEEDS program from so many other school initiatives and projects is that it requires students to consolidate their own knowledge through teaching others about a topic they are interested in. The KTK Conference was a brilliant way to showcase the term-long efforts of all different groups. Aside from learning about environmental issues and what individuals could do to help solve them, students also gained valuable knowledge on how to engage an audience and showcase their research, findings and designs in compelling ways.”

Faye Chang

“On the KTK Conference day, I was able to learn about a variety of topics through a multitude of media – my favourites were the animations and vlogs because they were so engaging. I have taken a personal interest in many of the environmental issues I learnt about on the day and have even decided to try the 31 Day Plastic Jar Challenge!”

Amali Hilton

“The best part of the KTK Conference was presenting and seeing the audience so engaged and involved in the presentation. It was very rewarding to see how much impact our work had on the audience.”

Niraaya Jayasinghe

“SEEDS was a very engaging and hands-on way to learn about environmental problems that affect our world today. During the course, we were able to further develop the fundamental skills of researching, working collaboratively, presenting and problem solving. This experience has enhanced my learning because I have learned more about the issue of deforestation and how it has a major impact on the planet both locally and globally.”

Sofia Massaro

Reflection from Year 6 KTK “delegate”

“Kids Teaching Kids day was one of my favourite days all year. We heard from a representative from Oz Harvest, who spoke to us about food waste, and a representative from Ku-ring-gai Council who spoke to us about one-use objects and how we can buy objects like keep cups and metal drink bottles.

“I went to a series of workshops, starting with a gallery walk. We browsed around, playing Kahoots and trying foods that would help reduce food waste. Some of the statistics were pretty daunting: ‘If food waste was a country, it would be the third-largest Greenhouse Gas emitter after the USA and China’ and ‘Australia produces enough food to feed the whole

world! We could eliminate poverty and hunger forever, though the majority is wasted.’ I was astounded.

“I went to the next workshop. The first group covered ocean pollution, the second made a documentary about habits in everyday life that need to be changed, (the best I’ve ever seen!), and the third did a performance about electing the most practical renewable energy. Each presentation was hilarious, fulfilling and fun, and I loved how they were all made by Year 8 girls.

“The last workshop was design where I made a T-shirt tote bag as well as a jar of water with animal stickers and glitter, the glitter representing microplastics! I was appalled.

“I went home afterwards and settled myself in deep thought. I knew I needed to make a change, as Kids Teaching Kids had really inspired me. I made a petition to ban glitter in Australia and it’s about to hit 10 supporters.”

Amelia Wallis-Hughes

Learn more about KTK at Pymble.