Fierce and Fearless

Wednesday 16 September, 2020

‘Fearlessness’ is precisely the attribute that Year 11 Textiles student Lucy Small summoned during her recent end-of-year presentation of her individual work. It’s not just her natural poise, but her nurtured confidence, that has landed Lucy the role as the first face of the new Pymble Ladies’ College brand campaign, ‘Watch us Change the World’.

The photograph in the Australian Financial Review advertisement featuring Lucy was taken during her Textiles assessment and is the start of the new branding campaign being rolled out across the Pymble website and social media channels.

Lucy’s Textiles assessment was based on the Met Gala, and her inspiration was the 2018 theme, Heavenly Bodies, on the intersection of fashion and religious art. What is Lucy’s key to performing on stage? “I felt really confident and fierce, but also myself. I didn’t pretend to be anything but myself; I’m not a model and I just had fun with it.”

Lucy is a fourth generation Pymble girl and commenced Boarding this year. Her family, who are now based in Sydney, are originally from Forbes, where her Grandmother still lives. “They’re all really excited to see me in the brand campaign, especially my sister, who was also a Pymble student and now lives in London. She’s really proud to see me representing our school!”

Director of Community Engagement, Mrs Kelly Mancey, says “These young women bring passion, purpose and courage to everything they do. Our students are change-makers – in our classrooms, but also in our community, and our culture. They don’t just dream; they do”.

“Having a dream without a plan, is just an idea. This stuck with me as I was preparing for my exams”, Lucy said.

The new campaign is inspired by the audacity, innovation and uniqueness of Pymble students, Kelly said. “Our role is to provide them with endless opportunities to be fearless, authentic, and purposeful. That’s what’s different about Pymble. ‘Watch us Change the World’ is a declaration coming from the students, not the school. That says it all.”

Pymble Principal Dr Kate Hadwen said the campaign aligned with the College’s new Strategic Plan, which aims to empower Pymble girls to become influential and compassionate women who have the knowledge, skills and courage to make a contribution to the world.

“Learning at Pymble inspires students to explore their values, passions and potential, and to see themselves in exciting futures they may not have imagined. Our balanced approach, which focusses not only on academic study and co-curricular activities, but also community service and wellbeing, ensures we are preparing our girls for a future where they will shine and, indeed, change the world.”