Ex-Student Success

Wednesday 14 August, 2019

Juliette Di Bello 14-08-19

Congratulations to Juliette Di Bello (2018) who was awarded second place in the finals of the prestigious Sydney Eisteddfod Opera Scholarship. This particular scholarship (under various previous names) has helped launch the careers of eminent stars like June Bronhill, Dame Kiri Te Kanawa and Dame Joan Sutherland. Juliette studied Music 2 and Extension for the HSC last year and achieved outstanding results in both courses, as well as nominations for ENCORE. Juliette will use the Eisteddfod prize money to assist with her study at the Julliard School of Music in New York, beginning in September. Most of the College community will know Juliette as the amazing vocalist with our Stage Band, with whom she performed with since Year 8; being featured yearly at the Garden Party, and also at many other significant College occasions.