Remembering our ANZACs

Wednesday 27 April, 2016

The new school term always represents a fresh start, but Pymble girls enjoyed an especially reflective first day of Term 2, attending a dignified and meaningful ANZAC Commemoration Ceremony on Gloucester Lawn.

Hosted by Master of Ceremony, Ellen Papadimitriou, the Ceremony included two hymns sung by The College Chorale, a prayer of thanks from Reverend Lorenzo Rodriguez Torres and a blessing of peace from Reverend Punam Bent.

There was also a traditional laying of the wreath by Principal Vicki Waters, who reminded attendees that some of the ANZACs were as young as some of the girls – just 14 years of age – when they embarked on what they believed to be a “great adventure”. Remarking on the sacrifice our ANZACs made for our freedom, Mrs Waters urged students to “think about how you can make a difference to others in a positive way.”

History captains, Lauren Park and Anjali Wijeratne delivered a well-researched commemorative speech that brought to life the horrors of the battles of Fromelle and Pozier, and the extraordinary contribution our ANAZCs made to the war effort.

The haunting tunes of The Last Post and Reveille were beautifully played by Sophie Dyson, before staff and students disassembled to begin the new term.