Pymble to Host 2020 Women in Education Forum

Tuesday 18 February, 2020

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A stellar line-up of inspirational women will front an audience of Pymble girls on Friday 21 February at The Australian newspaper’s annual Women in Education Forum.

A panel of leaders in education, STEM, media and communications will be moderated by The Australian’s Walkley-award winning associate editor, Caroline Overington, and is comprised of Dr Kate Hadwen, Dr Jessamy Tiffen (oncology researcher) and Caroline Gurney (Managing Director of Communications and Marketing, UBS).

They will be joined by The Australian’s managing editor Helen Trinca and product manager Jon Fox.

“We are delighted to host the annual International Women’s Day ‘Women in Education’ Forum at Pymble and to give our students the opportunity to contribute to an important conversation about their futures with leaders in a range of fields,” says Principal Dr Kate Hadwen.

“Our girls are looking forward to an inspiring and thought-provoking discussion about the role of education and the various pathways and choices that can open up a range of wonderful career prospects.”

Students will be part of the audience and will be able to direct questions to the panel, with the discussion to be reported in a special feature in The Australian on Saturday 7 March.