Service Learning Week

Monday 19 August, 2019

Service Learning 19-08-19

The culmination of two terms’ worth of planning, project management and research came to fruition last week when our Year 10 girls ventured to various destinations for their Service Learning Week.

Rural immersion projects left on Sunday to travel to their respective destinations and settle into their accommodation for the week. With an average of 500 kilometres travelled by our students going to the four rural projects, there was a lot of driving and sing-alongs in the buses and vans. On Monday, the remainder of the groups for our local projects departed for their host organisations.

Upon their return from Service Learning, the Year 10 students spent time designing a display for a showcase, editing a documentary of their project and organising gifts for their hosts and mentors, as well as starter packs for future groups.

On Monday evening, we invited parents, staff, members of the community and representatives from our host organisations to attend the Celebration Evening in the War Memorial Chapel.

Our guest speaker, Reverend Bill Crews, founder of Exodus, shared stories about helping homeless youth and the power of “not giving up” on people. Student representatives from some of the projects also shared their learning journeys. We are very proud of the girls and their ability to grow in empathy, build perspective and understand how they can continue to support their local and wider community.