Chair of College Council’s Alumni & Mentor Networking Event

Monday 27 May, 2019

Alumni 1

We recently held our Inaugural Chair of College Council’s Alumni & Mentor Networking Event in the Sydney offices of KPMG.

The evening was a great success and provided a relaxed backdrop for some career-enhancing networking between experienced business leaders and members of our Pymble alumni that included our most recent graduates from the Class of 2018, to ex-students up to the age of 30.

The event brought together senior leaders from our community, including CEOs, parliamentary ministers, barristers, medical practitioners, and marketing and communications professionals, to connect with, and mentor, our younger Pymble Alumni.

The support and enthusiasm of both our mentors and mentees was boundless!

Ex-student and sustainable building expert, Romilly Madew (1984), led an expert panel that discussed topics including resilience, how to stand out as an applicant when others have the same qualifications as you and creating a network of mentors. Plus, our alumni had the opportunity to participate in a number of skills sessions that covered career planning advice and refining your own personal career ‘elevator pitch’.

Most importantly, the event provided a relaxed environment where our alumni could mingle with their contemporaries and establish valuable, new connections with mentors to help and inspire them on the next step of their career journey.

We are already looking forward to our next networking event to bring together our alumni with experienced members of Pymble’s diverse community.