Year 9 Commerce Market Day

Thursday 23 May, 2019

Market Day

Year 9 Commerce students recently indulged in some retail therapy on Pymble’s Market Day, to experience first-hand how business systems work.

Eighty-five girls were busy setting up and decorating market stalls to sell their delicious home-made treats before opening their ‘shops’ to eager Pymble girls.

There were stalls selling sausages, bubble tea, doughnuts, waffles, ice-cream, pancakes, smoothie bowls and many other sumptuous delights. Amid a frenzy of activity, queues of student shoppers quickly built up and many of the stalls sold out.

Market Day for Year 9 Commerce is a great way to teach students about business systems by learning through direct experience. Behind the scenes, the students were responsible for market research, planned product supply, product demand, set-price strategies, profit margins and even bargaining techniques.

In the end, the day was both fun and an educational experience. Perhaps, best of all, a portion of the day’s profits will go towards the College’s 2019 Sony Camp.