HSC Student Appointed International Youth Ambassador

Wednesday 29 November, 2017

Charlotte Jiang

For most Year 12 students, the end of the HSC means the chance to relax, to catch up with friends and to enjoy a well-deserved sleep-in. For 17-year-old Charlotte Jiang, however, the end of the HSC is the beginning of a life-changing opportunity to make a difference on an international scale.

The Pymble Ladies’ College has been appointed an International Youth Ambassador at both the United Nations (in Geneva, Vienna, Rome and New York), and The European Parliament (Brussels, Strasbourg and Lichtenstein).

Charlotte’s appointment marks the first time in history that a person under the age of 18 has been accredited as a permanent representative of both the UN and the European Parliament, with the same access as other representatives of Non-Governmental Organizations.

Charlotte was appointed to represent the Ariel Foundation International, a non-profit organisation based in Geneva, following an internship with the foundation.

In her role as International Youth Ambassador, Charlotte will attend sessions, review papers and present her own policies, bringing the perspective, voice and representation for youth worldwide to the halls and tables of the international organisations frequently reserved for senior level officials.

“I believe in the power and influence of collective action to positively change and impact our world,” Charlotte says. “As a young woman, I am committed to paving the way for a more progressive and educationally inclusive world where all people are valued as being equal.”

Charlotte attributes the Pymble Ladies’ College mentorship program to helping her earn her international position. This program empowers young women like Charlotte by partnering them with inspiring teachers, who assist students to identify and take the steps required to achieve personal goals.

“This partnership is of great value to both staff and students,” says Pymble Ladies’ College Principal, Mrs Vicki Waters. “Through the mentoring and coaching process, both the student and staff member involved gain valuable insights and growth experiences that enrich and enhance their lives.”

“It is gratifying to see that Charlotte has achieved her goal of creating a dialogue between young people and the global leaders of policy, and we wish her every success in her future endeavours.”