Pymble staff receive research grants

Thursday 24 November, 2016

Staff grant

An exciting part of Pymble Ladies’ College professional learning calendar is our annual grant rounds to promote research. We offer four grants to College staff every year. Past research grants have enabled teachers to investigate programs and pedagogies overseas, and to develop research partnerships.

“Pymble invests in our people so they can invest in our students and support the delivery of rich, challenging and innovative learning. I am proud of the initiatives our teachers are championing across our College, and our passionate professional learning community that encourages them,”  said Principal Mrs Vicki Waters.

“My sincere congratulations and thanks to our 2017 recipients (pictured above).”

Kate Mason Grant – Jessica Munoz, Languages
In July, Jessica will undertake professional learning at the Cavilam Institute in Vichy, France, which is an internationally recognised institution for innovative pedagogy in language learning.

Jessica has identified significant links between the Cavilam approach and the new Australian Curriculum for Languages, particularly in its focus upon intercultural competencies.

She will undertake two short courses to develop proficiency in this pedagogy.

Pymble Parent Association Grant – Emily Boyd, Preparatory School
Emily will continue her passion for science education and its integral links with mathematics and problem-solving by attending the 2017 International Science Education Conference in January.

She intends to extend her understanding of how STEM can be meaningfully integrated in the curriculum of young learners.

Ex-Students’ Union Grant – Kristie Spence, Science
Kristie will use this grant to continue the work she has undertaken in 2016 in STEM K–12 by delivering workshops to support teacher and student engagement with robotics.

She plans to initiate robotics clubs and will use the grant to subsidise the engagement of mentors and a specialist with whom the College will liaise.

Jeanette Buckham Artist in Residence Grant – Sarah Colquhoun, Preparatory School
Sarah will use this grant to develop an initiative that brings together STEM, project-based learning and literacy development by engaging an expert in teaching science to young learners.

This expert will conduct workshops with both students and staff with a focus on developing skills in scientific literacy, as well as thinking and working scientifically.