Be there or be square!

Tuesday 5 July, 2016

Senior School students are feeling all warm and fuzzy about their efforts towards this year’s main service initiative, knitting thousands of squares to turn into blankets for the Wrap with Love organisation.

The girls took to their needles in Term 2 and will continue to ‘click clack’ throughout Term 3, adding to the growing piles of squares, which are then sewn into warm and sheltering wraps delivered to people in need by Wrap with Love. Each wrap comprises 28 squares, so it’s definitely a case of the more knitters and squares, the merrier!

Towards the end of Term 2 the girls enjoyed a lunchtime Knit-In at the Senior School Centre, Kate Mason Building to share the joy of this much-loved community project with fellow students, staff, parents, grandparents and other family members and friends.

Wrap with Love representatives were on hand to collate the finished squares, as were Pymble trouble-shooters – known fondly as the ‘Knit Wits’ – to help less experienced knitters cast on and off and fix any little hiccups in between.

Rachel Parker in Year 12 was joined by her mum Linda, grandmother Shirley and great aunt Wendy – all of whom have enjoyed knitting since childhood.

Lucy Irish, also in Year 12, was joined by her mum Fiona. A proud ‘Knit Wit’, Lucy has been a keen knitter since year 7 and enjoys her role of motivating others to get involved, teaching beginners and helping solve problems.

“Wherever I am, whatever I end up doing, I know I will always find time to sit on the couch and knit – squares for Wrap with Love, trauma teddies for Red Cross or pouches for orphaned joeys,” said Lucy. “I love it.”

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